Marriage And The Music Biz

iDoCoach Blog Mark & Kathy Cawley

iDoCoach Blog Mark & Kathy Cawley

Aspirations, communication, commitment, goal setting, sharing stories, dreams, disappointments , small victories and balance.

My wife and I coach couples in crisis though best selling marriage author Joe Beam’s workshops. Joe is a great friend and amazing at what he does. We also coach  couples in our community and church. Coaching couples might seem to have nothing in common with the coaching I do with creatives but  I believe it does. All of the terms I listed come up in working with couplesand songwriters/artists.

I was thinking about what I might write about  over the weekend when my wife Kathy came up with marriage and the music biz. Lord knows we’ve had to deal with how a creative life can mess with relationships over the course of our own marriage.

How do you communicate to the person you love this passion you have to write or perform? What if your dream doesn’t work out the way you planned?  The girl who used to hang out at your gigs every night now has to stay up with a two year old!! What others once saw as passion and vision starts to look a little like the kid who looks out the window in class and daydreams. How do you stay 100% committed to your art and to your partner?

Most of us creative types can tend to be self-centered. Ever look into someones eyes and realize they’re “gone”? Ever try and talk to a star about something other than them for 3 minutes..ok..thats almost unfair:-) Writers are encouraged to keep their antenna up at all times. She’s telling you about her day, you just heard a title for your next song. She’s relating, you’re re-writing. Hard for any relationship to stay on track but I think the marriage of  music and the real world takes some special skill.

With couples we coach, sometimes the trouble begins when they just assume they’re on the same path. We talk with couples who’ve been married for 20 years and never talked about their aspirations. For themselves, or their marriage. Now they’re hurt or angry because things didn’t work out the way they planned. Or didn’t plan. Communication is so huge in marriage and especially with the unique pressures that come with this lifestyle. If you’re reading this you’re probably not living a life that looks like your parents and the issues you face balancing a  career in the music business with your family is not the kind of stuff they prepared you for.

For most of us it’s taken a boatload of compromise and the ability to set new goals, attainable ones . Sometimes short term sacrifice for the long term goal. For instance, in his workshop Joe talks about how years ago he and his wife Alice were at a crossroads in their marriage. He wanted to be on the road, speaking to huge audiences. In his words, he “wanted to be Elvis”. Alice loved him but wanted the family picture she grew up with. A loving husband who was at the dinner table at 6,every night. She support the Elvis in him as long as the Ward Clever won out every night.

Their solution was to move to a hub city were Joe could still tour in support of his books but be able to be home much more than when his week was made up of connecting flights. He kept following his creative dream, she continued to support his vision and still realize a version of her goal for them as a couple and as a family. Took some trial and error, compromise and work to balance their dreams but I’m happy to say it worked out.

For Kathy and I there have been years when she had to hold down the fort while I traveled to far off places to write. There have also been lean times when we had to change roles. I stayed home and changed diapers while she went to work. We compromised, re-invented but always supported a mutual goal. To write songs and raise a family. I’m happy to say that one worked out as well!

Joe always encourages couples to share their stories with each other. I ask writers to share their stories through their lyrics.

I’d love to hear your stories. What have you guys done to keep your relationship strong and still stay on your creative path?

Photo of Mark & Kathy by Tiffany Dupree Photography


From Nashville Artist/Writer Savannah Ellis

 I got this recently from a young Nashville based artist and writer named Savannah Ellis. I’ve been coaching her for a few months and she’s excellent! Incredibly motivated to change the face of Praise and Worship music as well as writing positive pop. I have no doubt she’ll make it happen! Check out her song “Fringes” featured on the Jan “Songspage Songs” on American Songwriters site. Thanks Savannah!

Savannah Ellis

Savannah Ellis

Her words:

Mark coaches in a way that nurtures the creativity you already have.

He doesn’t try to alter your writing style or change who you are as an artist- rather, he offers practical and valuable techniques that bring out great songs on a more consistent basis that represent who you are.

Savannah Ellis
Nashville, TN

Songwriting...It’s All In Your Head

With most of the songwriters I’ve been coaching, lyrics are the biggest mystery. Some people write in a stream of consciousness style, it just pours out. Others have to slave over every line.

All of us are trying to make the connection between whats in our head and what shows up on paper. This is where we all tend to dis-connect.

We have the images in our head, all the color and detail but when we start to write we get  kinda formal. We lose all the magic stuff.

The really good ones, Beth Nielsen Chapman, Tom Douglas, Matraca Berg and Leonard Cohen just to name a few are master storytellers. They bring you in with small details, they pull in all five senses  until you’re seeing what they saw.

What they wanted you to see. Just enough good stuff to let you in but still leave room for your own version of the story.

One of my oldest and best friends, Kye Fleming is a master of this. She can paint a Picasso with 3 verses and a chorus and make it look easy. We all know it’s not.

The encouraging part is that it is all in your head and if you can get it from there to the page it’s bound to be an original.

Who Supported You?

Hazel and Mark Cawley

Hazel and Mark Cawley

Today my mother, Hazel, turned 95. NINE-TY….. FI–VE!!

She had been living on her own up until October of this year but is now in a nursing home. My Dad has been gone almost 21 years.She has been sharing more and more memories with me each time I visit her.

Our conversations get me thinking about a bunch of things but today I’m remembering a woman younger than I am now, sitting in the car for four hours while her son played a gig.The car usually had a U haul attached with room for a real Hammond B3 and the rest of my band’s gear. I remember looking out and seeing her reading by flashlight, spending countless Friday and Saturday nights this way. She felt it was better to pitch in and support me than to wonder what I was doing and who I was doing it with. I probably couldn’t wait to be old enough to drive myself to the gig and not have to let someone know just how uncool ( and young!) I was. My MOM was outside… waiting!!

She and my Dad both supported me all the way with music. Welcomed every long haired friend I brought home , gave up the basement, the garage and the fridge . Some even came to live with us for awhile. Their music might have been Frankie and Lawrence Welk but they surrendered the turntable to The Beatles, The Stones and Motown.My dream was their dream back then and I will always be grateful.

Take a minute and tell me who encouraged you. I’d love to hear your stories…. and wish Hazel a happy birthday while you’re here.

Photo taken on her 95th Birthday, Columbia Tennessee


Sure Fire Cut: Writing with the Artist

There was an article in the Business section of the Tennessean this Sunday called “Hitched to a Star”. A great read for anyone wanting to gauge the temperature of the publishing world. Writing with the artist is not a new concept, just that it took a lot longer for it to catch up to Nashville. Pop music has been this way for as long as I can remember. It was always an advantage to write with the artist for their upcoming record, one route to a hit.

It’s starting to sound more and more like the only route.

What’s changed? The “shrinking pie.”

People aren’t buying music like they used to, so artists, publishers and labels have to get creative. More artists are writers, more producers are publishers. Publishers want the writer to bring his connections to the deal. When I broke into writing for a living publishers typically gave the songwriter an advance against future royalties and were allowed to develop, hopefully with the aid of the publishers connections. Different time, bigger pie. Jody Williams was quoted in the Tennessean article and he was certainly one of those publishers who would not only mentor a writer but champion them in Nashville and beyond.

The talent is still there and there are still publishing stars like Jody Williams, Chris Ogelsby and Leslie DePiero in the  business. It’s just harder to “hitch yourself to ‘em”.

Photo by kevindooley